Saturday, February 10, 2024

 Basic Questions/Answers for Docker.

Question 1: What is Docker?

Answer: Docker is an open-source containerization platform. It used to automate deployment of any application, using lightweight portal container. 

Question 2: What is Container?

Answer:  Container is deployed bundle of an application that contain all necessary dependencies and configuration files.
All the elements shared with based OS kernel.  

Question 3: What is dangling docker image?

Answer: Dangling images are untagged Docker images that are not associated with any container. They are created when they are overwritten with a new image with the same name and tag.

Question 4: What is Container lifecycle?

Answer: Container Following is the most common.

  • Create container.
  • Run container.
  • Pause Container.
  • Stop Container.
  • Start Container.
  • Restart Container.
  • Kill Container.
  • Destroy container.
Question 5: Mostly used Docker Commands.

Answer: Following are the commonly used command.
  1. To run a container.
    docker run -it -d -p <hostport:container-port>        <image-name> 

    Example: docker run -it -d -p 8080:80 nginx
  2. To list all running containers.
    docker ps
  3. To list all container including exit one.
    docker ps -a
  4. To stop container.
    docker stop <container-name or container-id> 

    example: docker stop nginx
  5.  To remove container.
    docker rm <container-name>

    example: docker rm nginx
  6. To build a Docker image.
    docker build -t <image-name:tag> 

    example: docker build -t nginx:v1
  7. To list Docker images
    docker image ls or docker images
  8. To remove Docker images
    docker rmi <image-name/or image-id>

    docker rmi nginx:v1
  9. To remove unused docker images
    docker image prune -a